Saturday, December 24, 2011

I bought a boat and all I have is the bill of sale, how do I get a title?

The guy I purchased it from will not return my calls, but I have a bill of sale that was notarized by his wife. Can I just send off for a lost title?|||OOPs (notice the bigger OOPs) We see this all the time on Yahoo Boating Answers. You didn't loose the title, you never had one. The owner (person whom is the title holder) can and is required by law in most states must turn over to the buyer a properly executed title. ( Is his wife a Notary?) He can get the title, but he, not you, must sign it! And it must be Notarized by a Notary (most Banks have one).

You should use registered letters in addition to phone calls.|||Depending on the state that you live in, having just a bill of sale will work if the boat has never had a title. (hopefully the person you got the boat from was the reg. number owner) It may have registration numbers but no title. There is a big difference in that. Some states did not require titles in the past. You may get a title by way of an abandoned/ salvaged boat by using the reg. numbers and all the documents that the state will need you to have filled out. Again, it depends on the state you live in. I have done both bill of sale and salvaged. You should look up the requirements for your state. Google "boat registration (your sate)" to find the info you need or call the phone numbers provided. I hope this helps!|||In a title state (not all states require titles) you cannot sell a boat without signing over the title. You might try the friendly approach and bring the replacement title application to him for his signature, offer to pay the fee and file the form. Or you might try a little strong arming him with selling a boat without a title is possible selling stolen goods. He might not want the publicity that bringing in the police or lawyer causes.

Next time understand the law before you make a business transaction.|||If he didn't give you the TITLE along with the BILL OF SALE then YOU CAN'T GET A TITLE.. If you bought a CAR and were too stupid to get the TITLE.. which usually includes a BILL OF SALE line on it.. then you could not title the car.. so WHY would you think you can title a boat WITHOUT A TITLE?

He was looking for a STUPID MORON to use as a SUCKER and YOU came along to fill the need.|||NO U were entitled to get a title showing lean free when u purchased the boat run the # on the hull and see who it comes back to.And are there titles in your state??|||Google up 'registering a boat in (your state)'

1 comment:

  1. No way! That is pretty cool. My sister is working in Boat For Sale agency.According to her this type of blogs are helpfull.
    Boat For Sale Toowomba
