Friday, December 16, 2011

Using yahoo to misrepresent himself as a boat broker-solution/?

Party gave a phoney response to a web asite for a boat sale by me.Wants me to send him money as a fee beforethe deal is closed. No survey or visit to see the boat.|||That's a great deal, while you are at it, can you send me a thousand dollars??

What kind of boat by the way?|||it is a scammer. let me guess he offered you more than you were asking and wants you to give the overage to his shipper. i just had a guy try that with me wanted to give me a check for $1350 for a pair of $100 snow tires|||its a scam...hold on to your money!!|||Happened to me report scam on the web you had it on%26gt;%26gt;|||I would be careful. One it a scam and two, you keep communications they can slowly pick you for information. Be careful of everything you have said to this scammer.

The link not much, but, it can give a person an idea what going on. This is the "Sailing Texas" web-site the page on scams. Sometimes you may get a pop-up for a free screen-saver just click the X top right and close it.|||...also, turn it over to your state's attorney.|||That was most likely a phony, but I can help. My grandfather, who just died, was the holy high broker to the grand potentate of Ibn Caba and has 20 million american dollars to distribute and needs a true blue american to transfer the money through. All we need is every bit of personal info we can get you to send us.

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